Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mi pequena escuelita (LENGUAJE)

Esta es el area de Lenguaje de mi pequena escuelita, aqui los ninos aprenden paso a paso la lectura y escritura. Poco a poco ire describiendo los materiales utilizados, se empieza por los mas sencillos y se va avanzando el grado de dificultad; de lo abstracto a lo concreto. La idea es hacerlos lo mas atractivo posibles...

This is the Language shelf at my little school. Here children learn step-by-step how to read and write. Later, I will be describing the materials used in this shelf, from the most simple, to the most complicated; from the abstract to the concrete. The goal is to make these materials attractive and irresistible to the child.

1 comment:

  1. Sandra, This is so wonderful. Tristan needs a lot of help with his fine motor skills, I am looking forward to seeing what I can do to help him with that on your blog. This is such a great tool! ~Holly
